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Versione completa: Rollin Dudes Festival 2017 - US Cars, Bikes und Rock?n?Roll (AUSTRIA)
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Vintage car owners, rock´n roll dancers and enthusiasts of american lifestyle... we invite you to join this years Rollin Dudes Festival in south of styria 15/16th of july, at the campsite of Route69 in Leutschach (Austria).
Rollin Dudes Festival - US Cars, Bikes und Rock´n´Roll
14 & 15.07.2017 -  Route69, Leutschach (Austria) 
Friday 04 p.m. - open end / Saturday 10 a.m. - open end / Sunday chill out.
////////// powered by Peicher US-Cars ////////// 
[Immagine: 2017-facebook.jpg]
* Jack Rabbit Slim (GB)
* Poisonivies and the Steady (I)
* The Dead Beatz (AT)
* The Juke Joint Royals (AT)
* The Booze Bombs (D)
* Wheels Fargo and the Nightingale (I)
* The Bricats (D)
* The Dynamite Dudes (HU)
* DJ Niklas
* DJ JT Slinger
* DJ Bronco
* DJ KingD
Ticketrun has started now! So we wanna give you a hint about it to save your presale ticket. Especially campingtickets are going to be sold out again this year:
(Earlybird tickets are limited until 31.01.2017!)
2 days festival at the south-styrian "Route 69" in Leutschach (Austria) with kickass livebands & dj´s, rare US cars & bikes, barber- and pinup saloon, burlesque show, camping... All rock´n´roll fans enjoy again our festival terrain located in the largest wine-growing region of Styria. But 
not only wine lovers can enjoy this region. Also beer lovers are just right, since Leutschach is Austria's largest hop-growing area. In addition to traditional delicacies in the surroundings, the hilly landscape invites you to take a trip with your car or bike. Whether to nearby wine taverns or to the swimming pools and lakes of the neighboring communities. This location offers the perfect place for a looooong weekend and to celebrate pure rock´n´roll!
You can enjoy * smoky atmosphere * rare US Cars & Bikes * Jive & Stroll Workshop * PinUp- & Barber Saloon * Cold drinks & fine food * Market stalls * Burlesque Show * Trash- & Hotrod Visuals * Camping * PinUp girls * Campfire and much more.
Hot Rods * Classics * Customs * Bikes (Choppers * Bobbers * Gasser) * Oldie freaks & Rockabilly´s * Good guys * Rollin dudes and Rock´n roll dancers
[Immagine: 2017-flyer.jpg]

Free entry for Rollin Dudes (owner of uscars or bikes).

Just save your campingticket in advance cause ticketrun has started now!

So we wanna give you a hint about it to save your presale ticket. Especially campingtickets are going to be sold out again this year:
(Earlybird tickets are limited until 31.01.2017!)